Legal notice
The website and the domain correspond to TMCOMAS, owned by TALLERES MECANICOS COMAS S.L.U., with NIF B17048448 and address in Av. Estació, 54, Apartat 184, of Blanes, (postcode: 17300), phone number: +34 972 33 06 00 and email address: tmc@tmcomas.local.
Intellectual and industrial property
The contents of this site including text, images and graphic designs belong to TMCOMAS, or third parties who have authorized their use. TMCOMAS presents this content for information and publicity. TMCOMAS authorizes its use only for this purpose. Any use of these designs, images or texts should explicitly mention their membership TMCOMAS, which reserves the right to take appropriate legal action to recover damages and losses caused by any act breaching your intellectual property or industrial rights.
No submissions for the contents of this site are authorized in an alienated window (framing).
Content liability
Although TMCOMAS operates with the utmost possible diligence, it may be the case when any data or information won’t be entirely updated at the moment when the user consults the website. So TMCOMAS states that the references of the services presented in your web site have a guiding role, and they do not require TMCOMAS to make an express order.
TMCOMAS reserves the right to modify web at any time without prior notice, the presentation, configuration and web content.
TMCOMAS will not be responsible for the information that can be obtained through the links on the site.
Terms of use
The use of this website implies full acceptance of terms and conditions of this legal notification. Any dispute related to this site will be governed exclusively by the law of the Spanish state. All users of the web, independently on the territorial jurisdiction from which it is accessed, accept responsibility and with respect these clauses renounce any other jurisdiction that could correspond to it.