In TMCOMAS we know that to continue growing it is important to be present also in the social networks. That’s why we’ve opened a business account on GOOGLE+ and SLIDESHARE where you can discover the latest news and visit our presentations about the variety of services that we offer to our customers.
These two new profiles are added to those already launched a few months ago: our YOUTUBE channel where we promptly hung videos showing our technical services on precision machining, rotating machining repair, thermal spray, laser cladding, babbit bearings , special welding and reverse engineering; and our company profile LINKEDIN, where we publish news concerning both the company and our products, and other news related on the mechanical engineering sector in general.
If you want to keep informed, get all the news in just one click through our website:, our channel YOUTUBE, LINKEDIN or visiting our newly released profiles on GOOGLE+ and SLIDESHARE.
Follow us and do not miss anything!