The past 7th and 8th March the participants of the project COMBILASER gathered at the Laser Zentrum Hanover, Germany, in order to keep progressing on the project that have started over a year ago.
This project, funded by the European Commission under the new Horizon 2020 research program aims to develop advanced techniques of laser welding and laser cladding, to bring them to availability of different areas of the European industry.
The next meeting of COMBILASER group consisting of 12 participants from 7 different countries, including the TMCOMAS head of the technical department, Dr. Jaume Nin, will be on April 13th, in Brussels.
PHOTO: The team is part of the project COMBILASER
The COMBILASER project contributes to the development of new technologies that will be integrated into a future in many European industries, helping to increase their global competitiveness and thereby contributing to economic growth and better social cohesion in Europe.
(This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 636902.